How to Use the PicCollage Cutout Feature Like a Pro 

The Cutout tool in PicCollage is one of our most popular features, and one of the best ways to make your designs look completely professional and unique! But there are a few tricks to help you use this fun feature like a pro. Scroll down to learn how to make the most of your cutouts! 

Create your own cutout with “Scissors”

When you add a photo to your collage and double tap the image, you’ll see the option to use the basic shapes cutouts, or to use the “Scissors” to create a unique cutout. When you choose the scissors, outline the area you want to cut out, and PicCollage will also provide additional suggestions to help you find the perfect crop!

Use the “Auto” cutout feature

You can also use the “Auto” cutout feature where PicCollage will automatically create a cutout from your photo. And it doesn’t just work on people or animals! Any photo with a clear subject will work with the “Auto” feature!

Edit your cutout

But let’s say you create your cutout and realize that you want to edit a small part of it. With our add/erase tool, you can make small changes to your cutouts without having to start from scratch. Just long press on the cutout and then tap on the pencil icon to make little tweaks to get your cutout to look exactly how you want it to.

Add a border

Now that you have your cutout, why not add a fun border? Whether you want to add a solid colored border, something glittery (on iOS only!), or something textured, we have plenty of options! Double tap your cutout, tap “Border,” and choose from a wide array of options!

There’s no limit to how many cutouts you can create, so the cutout tool is the perfect for creating scrapbook style collages. Layer all of your images on top of one another for a creative and completely unique design!

Pro Tip: Make your own patterned stickers

To create your own fun stickers, you just need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Choose a background in PicCollage that you love.
  2. Export that background as an image on your phone.
  3. Import the image of the background to a new collage.
  4. Use the shape cutout to cut out a piece of the background to make a fun new patterned shape! 

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