Things we love: celebs who experiment


When Maroon 5 agreed to collaborate with PicCollage on a sticker pack and a series of four contests to celebrate their new album, V, we were excited for a number of reasons.

1. It’s Maroon 5. They’re awesome and we love them.

2. It shows that one of the biggest bands on earth is open to engaging with their fans in playful and interesting ways.

Here’s what’s going on. The day the album was released, we launched contest #1, asking PicCollage users to share the 5 things they can’t live without (For Maroon 5’s fifth album, V. GET IT?). We were bombarded with entries. The collage that the band ultimately chose as the winner included stickers from the Maroon 5 sticker pack and the video for the album’s first single, “Maps”, embedded from YouTube. The winner of each contest gets a Maroon 5 t-shirt and the new album.


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A week later we launched contest #2. This one was based on the band’s new single, “Animals”. We asked fans to show us their interpretation of the song, and the entries were pretty awesome.

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For contest #3 we asked users to show us where their maps lead. Now, this can be taken very literally or can be given a creative spin and we’re seeing both types or responses. The winner will be announced early next week.

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So here we are. With nearly 20,000 contest entries and two more contests to go. What does this tell us? Fans love engaging with their favorite artists. When celebrities invite their fans to create content and respond to them (as opposed to just “like” them), fans are more than willing to interact. We can’t wait to see the other brands/bands/celebs who pick up on this trend.

The final contest will be posted shortly. Download the app and start entering! 

3 thoughts

  1. Dear Pic Collage,

    I’m writing this short comment/reply to thank you for featuring two of my collages, I can’t thank you enough for that! I was just wondering what it takes to get on the popular users page, ever since I joined the Pic Collage community I’ve wanted to achieve it, if you could give me tips on my account. Maybe you could put me on the popular page, please consider it, if not please could I have some tips. Thank you for taking the minute out o your time to read this inquiry,

    Sophie Wild

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