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Q&A with artist Sara M. Lyons

You guys go crazy for our Hipster Chick stickers.  We know it, you know it. So we were pretty pumped to sit down (or email with) the lovely and talented designer of these stickers, Sara M. Lyons! Here, she shares her inspiration, her signature stickers, and a few of her favorite things…
Where are you from?

I’ve been in Southern California since 1997 — I just moved back to Orange County with my boyfriend after almost 10 years in Long Beach.  Now we live in Anaheim, right in the shadow of Disneyland.

Occupation?  I’m an artist/illustrator and nail decal designer, and I work part-time at Hurley.

What was your inspiration for the Hipster Chick sticker pack?
I wanted my sticker pack to feel like the physical stickers I used to slap on my Trapper Keeper back in elementary school, updated for the Instagram generation but with a healthy dose of girly ’90s nostalgia.
Favorite sticker from Hipster Chick?
My little happy and sad ghosts are some of my signature characters, so I’m probably most partial to them!
Favorite PicCollage feature?
I love being able to flip images back and forth, so my ghosts can face whichever way I want!  I also get a kick out of using emoji like stickers…I can’t get enough emoji!
Your favorite PicCollage you’ve made?
Here’s one of me and my main dude, fellow artist JOSHR, that I like a lot!
Fave movie
I could never pick just one, but “Valley Girl,” “Female Trouble,” and “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” are definitely in my top five.
Dream trip
I’d love to drive cross-country in an Airstream trailer without any real agenda.
Favorite food
I have a really serious thing for bagels.
Favorite quote
“How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else.” – R. Buckminster Fuller
Best Advice you ever received
What’s gotten me through in tough times hasn’t been advice so much as just the unwavering support of my friends and family.  Having a sincere vote of confidence when you’re unsure of your own ability makes taking risks more fun.
“When I need inspiration I …..”
…watch old musicals, read my high school diaries, listen to punk rock, go for walks, read comics, look at Tumblr, talk to other artists!
Favorite place in the world
I have soft spots for the high desert, Northern Arizona, and my old stamping grounds in Long Beach, but my favorite place in the world is probably my living room, with my sketchbook and my dude and a decent record on a nice cool day.
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