Dream On, Dreamers


Recently we asked you guys to create collages showing us your dreams – and we were pretty blown away by the responses. You guys want to travel the world.  You want to become doctors, actors, artists, and Olympic athletes. You want to save animals, cure diseases, and create a more peaceful world. You can see all of the responses we got here and you can scroll down to see a few of our favorites. We’ve just got one thing to say – Keep dreaming! xo

Dream2 Dream3 Dream4 Dream5 Dream6 Dream7 Dream8 Dream9 Dream10 Dream11 Dream12 Dream13

106 thoughts

  1. This has nothing to do with this but my home button with my options (web, photos, stickers, text, background, and paste,) keeps acting up and deleting my paste option, I I use that the most so, how do I fix this

  2. I love these all of them almost made me cry! 😢That’s great cuz I never cry!😜 But this is different. Hummmm… Tears Of Joy!!🤗 A new idea for a collage!!

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